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Excerpts from the September 24, 2015 Sheriff’s Reports

Excerpts from the September 24, 2015 Sheriff’s Reports


Sept. 9: 6:30 pm: Sex, Indecent Exposure – Terwilliger Hot Springs. Incident happened 4 weeks ago. Complainant & friend observed a male subject masturbating across the river from them. When they went to leave they found a note on a Forest Service business card. Caller doesn’t know if subject works for the FS or just found a card & wrote on it.

Sept. 11: 10:04 am: Suspicious Subject – McK. Hwy. & Camp Creek Rd. Male subject is lying on the ground on the walking path by the canal. Caller advises he talks to people as they walk by, unknown what he says. Subject is not being aggressive today. He is wearing a gray jacket with a blanket wrapped around. 11:00: Subject was picked up by a family member.

10:40 pm: Suspicious Conditions – 92000 block, Walling St. Caller can hear people walking in the bushes – says it sounded like someone was getting hurt.

Sept. 13: 12:13 pm: Suspicious Conditions – 39000 block, McK. Hwy. Caller originally contacted Marion County. They plotted the Lat./Long. & came up with location. 12:47: Reached involved who says he is having lunch in Stayton – denied sending a text. Involved did not seem to be in any kind of distress, background noises consistent with being at a restaurant.

Sept. 14: 1:52 pm: Motor Vehicle Accident – McK. View Dr. & Hill Rd. Report of a motorcycle off the road. Caller advises “2 crotch rockets” were racing, going about 100 mph. Unknown injuries – driver is walking up & down. 13:59: Medics on scene. Rider is arranging for the bike to be picked up, has minor injuries.

Click here to read the full reports by downloading a copy of this week’s McKenzie River Reflections


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