Make the McKenzie Connection!
SANTIAM PASS: A McKenzie River Ranger District project to improve forest conditions and reduce hazardous fuels in the Hoodoo-Big Lake area calls for salvaging dead lodgepole pine and commercial thinning on approximately 2,100 acres in the Santiam Pass area. The Big Hoodoo Project is located in an area south of Hwy 20, in and around the Hoodoo Ski Area and Big Lake.
Within the project area, approximately 1,073 acres would be thinned and approximately 1,062 acres would be treated to reduce hazardous fuels. Other work would involve maintaining approximately 16.5 miles of road and creating approximately 8.8 miles of temporary roads. District Ranger Terry Baker notes that roads currently designated as closed or stored - and that would be used for treatment - would be converted back to their original maintenance level following project completion.
Baker signed the Big Hoodoo project decision and finding of no significant impact on September 4th. An environmental assessment (EA) was available for public review and comment for 30 days starting on May 2nd.
This decision is subject to administrative review (appeal) only to individuals or organizations that submitted comments or otherwise expressed interest during the 30-day EA comment period.
Appeals can be submitted in several forms, but must be received by the Appeal Deciding Officer, Forest Supervisor, with-in 45 days from the date of publication of the notice of the decision.
Appeals may be mailed to: Appeal Deciding Officer, Forest Supervisor; Attn: Appeals, P.O. Box 10607, Eugene, OR 97401; or e-mailed to: appeals-pacific [email protected]. Please put APPEAL and name of project in the subject line.
It is the responsibility of the appellant to confirm receipt of appeals submitted by electronic mail. In cases where no identifiable name is attached to an electronic message, a verification of identity will be required. Appeals may also be delivered to: Willamette National Forest, Supervisor’s Office at Springfield Interagency Office, 3106 Pierce Parkway, Suite D, in Springfield between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or faxed to 541-225-6222.
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