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Letter to the Editor

Where did all the money go?

As a member of McKenzie Valley Wellness, I must ask: “Where did all that money go?”

According to the 2019 McKenzie River Clinic Annual Report, during Fiscal Years, ‘13, ‘14, and ’15, $ 34,500 was withdrawn from the Clinic Endowment Fund (or an average of $ 958 per month).

Over the subsequent three Fiscal Years, ’16, ‘17, & ‘18, $358,000 was withdrawn from the fund, (or an average of $9,944 per month). That is more than ten times the withdrawal rate over the preceding thirty-six months.

The report also indicates at least $80,000 was withdrawn in 2019.

In short, the Endowment Fund went from more than $600,000 in July of 2015 to less than $200,000 in April of 2019 - or more than $400,000 in less than four years.

Where did all that money go?

I’ve been asking that same question for almost three years and have yet to get a satisfactory answer. The more than 250 members of McKenzie Valley Wellness deserve one too. Perhaps the Board President, Secretary, and Treasurer can provide one at the upcoming McKenzie Annual Members Meeting at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, May 3rd, at the Upper McKenzie Community Center.

Tim Laue, Member

McKenzie Valley Wellness


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