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Boards meet after recall election

Water Board certifies county results, Park Board lacked a qurom

BLUE RIVER: Last week, the Blue River Water/Sanitation and Park District boards held back-to-back meetings that covered several key administrative and operational matters. During the first, the water board discussed board recruitment processes with guidance from Mark Knudson of the Special Districts Association of Oregon. They also addressed representation on the Three Sisters Meadow Committee and nominated Terry Herndon as their representative.

The board also handled various housekeeping matters, including mail collection responsibilities and key holder assignments. They discussed the removal of consultants Merrick Firestone and Tim Laue and voted on certifying Tony Casaad’s recall in the November 5th election. Updates were provided on the new water system project, plans for a town hall meeting in January, and the completion of work on the well house.

The meeting also covered financial matters, insurance renewal preparations, and bill payments. Updates on the status of the area’s infrastructure included well registration compliance and repairs to flow meters.

At the start of the Blue River Park Board meeting, interim chair Jim Parks noted that they lacked a quorum and couldn’t vote on agenda items. He reported that sanitation authorities had determined they wouldn’t use the park for a community drain field due to the site’s high water table. The park’s financial state remains stable, with regular monthly expenses for toilets, water, and electricity.

The board also is involved in discussions with county commissioners on new board appointments to achieve a quorum.

A confrontation arose between board secretary Melanie Brite and Tony Casad regarding Three Sisters Meadow representation. Tony Casad raised concerns about representation rules and the McKenzie Community Land Trust’s role in determining how the property next to the McKenzie Community Track might be utilized. The meeting concluded with an introduction from Kristin Gustafson, a new community member interested in becoming involved in activities related to the park.

To view video recordings of the meetings, go to


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