Make the McKenzie Connection!

Brother can you spare a dime?

Springfield Ladies Club"Brother can you spare a dime?" was a phrase going around in the 1920’s yet those words probably weren’t used by members of the Springfield Ladies Club in their fund raising drive. They relied on the enthusiasm and community spirit of their neighbors, rather than a public tax, to build the original Springfield Arch.

Today, another community group, the Friends of the Springfield Arch, has taken a similar approach - launching a grass roots effort to rebuild a “Springfield/McKenzie” Arch in the East part of town. We’re asking people help complete a scale model of the future Arch that can be put on public display.





To help complete the scale model the Friends of the Springfield Arch is asking for donations of $1 or more. Find out more about this revitalization of a Springfield landmark at: />

$1,835 has been raised toward the goal of $2,500 to build a scale model of the proposed Springfield/McKenzie Arch. There are only 8 days to go.

Springfield Arch model





** July 26 update - 17 backers, $2,295 pledged & 5 days to go


McKenzie River Reflections


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