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From the July 25, 2013 Sheriff’s Report

Excerpts  From the July 18, 2013 Sheriff’s Reports

July 31: 3:23 PM: Abandoned Vehicle – Blue River area. Caller advises an abandoned Glastron boat on a trailer has been in the brush at the weigh station all day. 18:34: Spoke to registered owner. He secured the boat & is planning to return to it. He had a family emergency. Info taken.

Aug. 1: 2:13 AM: Disorderly Subject – 37000 block, Upper Camp Creek Rd. Caller advises a subject who has been staying in his shop came to his front door wanting to know why the police weren’t there. Involved is upset, thinks police should be coming. 02:36: Parties are separated, units not responding unless something changes. Info taken.

Aug. 2: 5:25 AM: Non-injury Accident – Mp. 12, Marcola Rd. Loose horse vs. white Ford pickup. Involved vehicle moved out of the way, horse is still blocking traffic. 05:51: Trooper cannot push the horse off the roadway, Public Works will respond. 07:28: Horse removed from roadway. Owner is attempting to get some type of tractor service to remove it. Info relayed.

Aug. 2: 9:46 AM: Water Rescue – Mp. 54, McK. Hwy. One raft overturned. 3 off duty officers at Paradise Campground are rescuing subject. A second rafter who might be in distress was wearing a life jacket. 09:57: Subject who was pulled out of the water was rafting with his father. Dad made it through the rapids. 10:26: All parties are out of the water & the boats are secured. Report taken.

Aug. 2: 4:33 PM: Fraud – 93000 block, Marcola Rd. Mom received a call from subject advising her grandson was in jail in Canada & she needed to wire $900. No money was sent. Info taken.

 Aug. 3: 3:42 AM: Suspicious Subject – 35000 block, Camp Creek Rd. Approx. 10 minutes ago a gentleman reported “running off” a trespasser from the intersection of Marcola Rd. & Hill Rd. Who left in a green Toyota pickup. Info taken.

Aug. 3: 9:03 AM: Abandoned Vehicle – N. Bank Rd. & McK. Hwy. A newer model white Ford pickup has been at location for a couple of days. 2 tires are in the roadway causing a minor traffic hazard. Info relayed. 14:02: Vehicle gone on arrival.

Aug. 3: 8:55 PM: Unknown Problem – Marcola Rd. & Hileman Rd. Caller is hearing what sounds like a male yelling for help possibly coming from area of the Mohawk River. Info taken.

Aug. 3: 11:30 PM: Loud Noise – 45000 block, McK. Hwy. Complainant reports ongoing loud parties every weekend for the last couple of months. Info taken.

Aug. 4: 11:45 AM: Motor Vehicle Accident – Mp. 17, McK. Hwy. Eastbound motorcycle is down, 2 occupants. Patient is lying on the ground – scrapes on arms, bleeding from mouth & nose. OSP advised. 12:12: Bike is off the highway, patient has been transported.

Aug. 4: 5:51 PM: Reckless Driving – Mp. 47, McK. Hwy. Involved is an eastbound green GMC pickup that almost hit a motorcycle & is over steering. OSP advised.

Aug. 4: 7:21 PM: Attempt To Locate Drunk Driver – Mp. 35, McK. Hwy. Involved is a westbound brown Winnebago driving very slow & weaving back & forth.  21:01: Patients extricated. 4 full trauma.  OSP advised.

Aug. 5: 1:41 PM: Theft – Cougar Reservoir. Fish monitoring equipment was taken from location. Approx. loss: $10,000. Citizen self report.

Aug. 5: 7:11 PM: Water Rescue – McK. River near Bellinger Boat Landing. No medics needed.  Complainant advised he & friends were inner tubing & the raft deflated & got caught on a log ¼ mile from Hayden Bridge. 2 subjects are out of the water. The water is too swift for them to try & get off the log. Caller took the only good tube to go call for help. Involved have no phone or flashlight. 22:23: Both subjects are in Fire Dept’s. boat, en route boat landing.  Info taken.

Aug. 6: 10:46 AM: Suspicious Vehicle – 36000 block, Oak Point Rd. A green van has been parking in front of caller’s driveway for at least a week. Subject leaves in the morning/afternoon but has been sleeping at location at night. The subject hasn’t caused any problems but caller advises it is scary when she goes down for her newspaper in the morning. Info taken.

Aug. 6: 11:25 AM: Shots Fired – 36000 block, Boiler Creek Rd. Complainant reports about a dozen shots. It doesn’t sound like target shooting – possibly illegal hunting issue. OSP advised.

Aug. 6: 11:20 PM: Suspicious Conditions – 87000 block, Collins Lane. Household phone service is down. Caller advises the last time this happened lines had been cut in the area. 23:39: Neighbors phone service is down to. Caller is concerned they may be getting cut for copper. Info taken.

Aug. 7: 12:42 PM: Theft – 38000 block, McK. Hwy. Location is another wire theft – 10’ of cable is missing. Possibly 100 customers will be out of service until 1600 hours. This involves 911 as well. Citizen self report. 19:03: Lines are back in service.

Comments as reported may not be complete or accurate. If further information is required contact the Lane County Sheriffs Office.


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