Make the McKenzie Connection!


McKenzie Track logoBy Pete Petty

Thank you for taking time to read the new “Track Talk” column.  It’s our hope to keep the community advised of the activities of the McKenzie Community Track and Field (MCTF) in Blue River, which was primarily donated by Aaron and Marie Jones.  This world-class track is managed and maintained by a nonprofit organization of volunteers who are preparing for a very busy year.  The highlight for the coming year is the construction of a two-story building.

Thanks to the continued generosity of Aaron and Marie Jones, the MCTF has received additional acreage to the park facility and funds to provide a multi-use building and timing hut.  This new building will provide storage, indoor concession and restroom facilities. It will also include space for meetings and activities such as Yoga, aerobics and health wellness classes. We anticipate the new building will be ready for use by late summer. A groundbreaking ceremony is planned for April. Watch for updates on the progress of the building in monthly “Track-Talk” columns.

The first track event of 2013 is the 16K-Two Person Relay, Saturday, March 9 at 10am. Members of the Oregon Track Club Elite (OTC Elite) are participating again this year. This will be an amazing spectator event.  The race is open to any 2 or 3 person team. Register by visiting the track website:    There is no admission fee for spectators. Please come watch and cheer on these athletes!

  As spring approaches the high school track season begins. There will be increased activity at the McKenzie Community Track and Field.  The MCTF welcomes a new McKenzie School track team coach, Devin VansCoy, and look forward to providing Coach VansCoy and his MHS team with community volunteer support.  Opportunities for volunteering: timekeepers, officials, events & more… for more information view the MCTF website, or contact Jeff, [email protected].

  Volunteers are needed for a work (cleanup) day at the track this Saturday, March 2 from at 9am-12noon.  Typical spring-cleaning work is planned so bring your gloves, rakes, clippers, leaf blowers, weed whackers, wheelbarrows and shovels.  We’re hoping for a sunny day and a lot of helpers!  While it’s important to understand that our community track facility is dependent on volunteers for all aspects of its management and maintenance, it is truly a great asset for all McKenzie River residents. If we all pitch in to help, it will continue to be so.  

  See you on Saturday!


McKenzie River Reflections


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