Make the McKenzie Connection!

1st Draft - McKenzie Schools Strategic Plan

McKenzie School District Strategic Plan

First Draft

“Inspiring students to achieve their academic and individual potential“


On Wednesday, February 11h, 2015, a workshop was held in the Pagoda to begin the process of crafting the McKenzie School District Strategic Plan. Forty people, including community members, board members, and school staff took part in the process.  A second meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 25, at The Vida Community Center. At this meeting, a final version of the strategic plan will be drafted.  It is our goal to have the plan adopted at the March school board meeting. Additional meeting/s will be held if necessary to continue to refine the plan until adoption occurs.

Below is a summary of the comments and recommendations from the meeting.

The first order of business was to complete an assessment of the district’s strengths, challenges, and opportunities.


Small school                                                                              Strong ASPIRE Program

Great staff                                                                                 Positive student culture

Well-maintained facilities                                                     Small classes

Sense of community                                                              Great kids

Continuity of staff                                                                  Available community resources

Staff know students names                                                Safe environment

Great administrators                                                            Great IT support

Community track/soccer field                                            Excellent Food Service

Online courses


Teachers have many preps                                               No Elementary athletics

No active Booster Club

Communications                                                               Substance abuse

Reliable Day Care                                                              Insufficient SPED services

Long school day                                                                Four day week

Shortage of hands-on activities                                     Shortage of affordable housing

No study hall                                                                    High student mobility                                                        

Lack of collaboration time                                             Few electives

Few AP options                                                                Facilities could have more uses

Limited bandwidth


Community partnerships                                                                    More community service for students                                         

Better communications with community                                        Ford Family Leadership Training for kids

Increased use of community resources                                           Wellness classes/training for students

Development of Strategic Plan                                                           and staff

Increased athletic opportunities                                                      Increased use of greenhouse

Marketed schools

Health Occupations reinstated

Empower students to take charge of their learning

Adult education classes

Parent/student courses

Using the above input as an informal guideline, the participants generated six strategic goals, in random order. The goals will be prioritized at the next meeting on February 25.



1.    The district will offer more CTE classes and hire a full time CTE Instructor when the funds become available.

2.    The district will make its CTE needs known throughout the district.

3.    The District will encourage the hiring of part-time staff to teach CTE Electives to meet student needs.

4.    The district will search for additional ways to engage students and parents in more STEM activities.

5.    The district will communicate directly with parents as more STEM activities become available.

6.    The district will actively search for CTE grants that meet the needs of the McKenzie School District.

7.    The district will provide science activities in the form of a science club (I.e. Robotics), science nights, and/or a science fair.

8.    The district will partner with Lane Community College to find STEM/CTE related activities for students.

9.    The district will develop partnerships to provide additional CTE/STEM activities.



1.    The district will hire adequate facilities and custodial staff as the resources becomes available.

2.    The district will modernize the heating and cooling system.

3.    The district will update its five year plan.

4.    The district will investigate creative ways to use unused space.

5.    The district will partner with the Army Corp of Engineers to activate a Fiber Optic network for the schools.

6.    The district will pursue a Historic Building designation for the district’s school buildings.

7.    The district will ensure that classrooms have adequate electrical and computer plugins.



1.    The district will develop community friendly resources to help them better understand the budget.

     2. The district will develop marketing strategies to increase student enrollment.

3.    The district will work closely with the school foundation,  and work to activate the boosters club

4.    The district will develop a “maintenance needs” plan to be funded by rolling over the current bond.

5.    The district will investigate the possibility of forming a charter school.



1.    The district will inform all patrons in the district in a timely manner about all school-related events through the use of Facebook, the district website, daily bulletins, the local newspapers, notes home with students, etc.

2.    District communications will include date, day, time, year and the location of all events that are advertised to the public.



1.    The district will search for, and apply for available technology grants.

2.    Research cost of Internet upgrade.

3.    Use the benefit of a particular technology when determining the need of said technology.

4.    Involve community members in the decision making process when acquiring new technology.

5.    Work with the Army Corp of Engineers to acquire a fiber optic network.

6.    Promote adaptability as technology changes.



1.    The district will ensure that all students are reading at grade level by the end of the third grade.

2.    Increase elementary reading scores on the State Assessment.

3.    Provide for additional support for SPED students in speech and language.

4.    Contract with the Lane ESD for additional mental health services.

5.    Seek volunteers to help improve student reading and math skills.

6.    Facilitate online access to student progress, district calendars, and parent/teacher communication.



1.    The district will partner with LCC to offer adult education classes.

2.    The district will solicit input from the community about a possible solution regarding major issues that impact the McKenzie River community’s educational viability.



McKenzie River Reflections


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