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Parks improvement plan up for review

Eagle Rock ParkEUGENE: The Lane County Parks Advisory Committee will hold a public hearing in two weeks to gather testimony regarding the draft Five-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for county parks projects from 2017 to 2021.

The Parks CIP is a five-year program used to plan expenditures for capital improvements to the Lane County Parks System according to Parks Manager Mike Russell. “Projects included in the CIP are designed to improve safety, utility and efficiency of existing facilities and further develop and add amenities that will improve visitors’ experiences,” he said. “Community members who have a park project that they would like to see included in the plan are encouraged to attend the hearing and provide testimony.”

The meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Monday, March 14th, at the Lane County Public Works Customer Service Center’s Goodpasture Conference Room at 3050 N. Delta Highway in Eugene.

Additional information regarding the draft plan can be found at />

Image above: The Eagle Rock Park in Nimrod is among public properties that will be discussed on March 14th. Possible additions to the site could include a new campground, eight cabins, a wedding facility, road improvements, new trails, and improved access for boaters.


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