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Vida Cafe rebuild to begin

Cafe porchVIDA: Work to repair the fire damaged Vida Cafe was expected to begin this week, after long awaited building permits have been finalized. A big part of the delay, according to cafe owner Sue Nelson, was Lane County’s concerns with prior violations dating back more than 30 years - things Nelson says she and more than one previous owners never knew existed.

Starting with removal of asbestos flooring, McKenzie Taylor Construction will be doing more than a simple rebuild. Part of the approval process called for a reconfiguration of the building. “I’m going to lose the whole back half of the cafe,” Nelson said. The new addition will extend another 8 feet by 8 feet, sitting on a portion of the driveway and extending toward her adjacent house.

People who have been anxious to go back to having their meals at the popular eatery since the October 24th fire will have to wait a while. Nelson said although all the construction supplies have been ordered, she’s still hoping the day the doors reopen will occur before this summer is over.

Image: Crews are scheduled to begin repairing the fire damaged cafe.


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