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Heroes will appear on local stage

HeroesRAINBOW: The Not Ready for Retirement Players, a Eugene theater company, will soon present “Heroes,” on a stage in Rainbow, The play, a French comedy by Gerald Sibleyras, is coming to  the Upper McKenzie Community Center direct from performances at the Hult Center.

The play features three World War I heroes plotting an escape from an old soldiers’ home run by nuns in a small village. The trio spends their days sitting on a terrace hoping for some sort of diversion.

The three  friends don’t talk about the war but they have plenty of other memories.

Henri, played by Chris Pinto, is injured and has been there since his youth.

William Campbell plays Gustave, spends most of his time in his room, except to meet the other two other veterans on a secluded terrace.

Philippe, played by Achilles Massahos, has shrapnel in his head that causes him to pass out briefly.

The former heroes have had enough of their confinement, untrustworthy fellow prisoners and far too many birthday parties. Their life in a retired soldiers home is almost unbearable but they do find humor in it.

The play will start at 3:30 p.m. Doors open at 2:30. Tickets are available at the door. For members of the Community Center, the price is  $11.50. Non-members tickets are $12.50.

Image: The Not Ready for Retirement Players will present “Heroes,” on a Sunday afternoon at the Upper McKenzie Community Center.


McKenzie River Reflections


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