Make the McKenzie Connection!

Blue River reactivating public services

Park readied for reopening

With the majority of dangerous trees now removed, plans are moving ahead to invite people back onto the grounds of the Blue River Park. At last week’s meeting of the park’s board of directors, the consensus was to keep vehicles out but let people in - as soon as informational signs are in place.

The signs, now on order, are intended to make people aware of newly planted delicate trees and shrubs. On November 6th over 70 volunteers spent the day establishing over a half dozen varieties including Oregon grape, salal, wild roses, and huckleberries. All were placed in the area near the playground equipment and along the asphalt path by the old shelter, as well most of the upper portion of the park. The plantings were concentrated mainly around the park’s central ring but it was feared they could be damaged if people aren’t made aware of where not to walk.

Another volunteer planting day is planned for January 20th.


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