Make the McKenzie Connection!

500,000 trees being planted

McKenzie River area targeted for post fire restoration efforts

Thanks to the Eugene Water & Electric Board’s McKenzie River Source Protection Program, the utility is working with the Pure Water Partners and local residents to plant 500,000 trees in areas that burned in the Holiday Farm Fire. The work is designed to safeguard drinking water for metro residents by addressing erosion from high burn areas, as well as longer-term resiliency to restore floodplain areas that are critical to water quality and habitat.

“This is everyone’s water source. This is the water source for everyone upriver, this is the water source for everyone in town. So, first of all we want to be protecting that for everyone,” according to Lara Colley, a Vida resident, and Restoration Specialist for the McKenzie Watershed Council.

Most EWEB’s residential and commercial water customers pay a flat $3 per month. Some, like large businesses or extensive irrigators, pay from $4.50 to $30 per month based on meter size. The fee went into effect in mid-2021.


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