Make the McKenzie Connection!

Letter to the Editor

Prioritizing safety

The results of this election and the renewal of the Lane County Public Safety Levy show that this community remains committed to our safety. I am very thankful that Lane County residents recognize the need for a functional jail system including local jail beds to help hold those accused of violent and dangerous crime accountable. Renewal of this levy will allow the Lane County Jail to continue to operate with a minimum of 255 local jail beds, as well as 8 youth detention beds and 8 youth treatment beds at Lane County Youth Services.

Renewal of this levy will maintain the level of service that we currently have. I am optimistic that now we can begin discussing how we can find a permanent solution to the under-resourcing of our entire local public safety system. Thank you again for prioritizing the safety of those that live in Lane County.”

Cliff Harrold

Lane County Sheriff


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