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Local’s film to air on OPB

Mark HatfieldThe Gentleman of the Senate: Oregon’s Mark Hatfield

A feature-length documentary film highlighting the life and legacy of the late Governor and United States Senator Mark O. Hatfield will be aired on Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB) on Monday, January 19th, from 10 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. The film, The Gentleman of the Senate: Oregon’s Mark Hatfield, uses extensive interviews with former staff and Senate colleagues of Hatfield to tell the story of his public service career.



The Oregon Historical Society was proud to donate footage from its extensive archives to assist in the making of the film.

“Senator Mark Hatfield’s leg-acy as a compassionate leader is considered one of Oregon’s greatest gifts to this country and the world,” said Rick Dancer of Camp Creek, an executive producer of the project and long-time TV journalist in Eugene. “The story of Mark Hatfield is about his approach to leadership, the lives he influenced, and his involvement in iconic moments in history.,” Dancer said. “There are important lessons here for today’s leaders and the citizens who elect them. I am thrilled that OPB has chosen to broadcast the film, thereby sharing the Senator’s life and legacy with as large an audience as possible.”

The film was produced by The Hatfield Project, a 501(c)(3) organization created to chronicle Senator Hatfield’s career and legacy. The film has previously been shown at special events at Portland State University, Willamette University, and the Oregon Historical Society. The Hatfield Project also anticipates donating copies of the film to schools and public libraries in Oregon. The film’s executive producers are Rick Dancer, Kevin Curry, and Devon Lyon.


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