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County to hold public hearing on rural accessory dwelling units

The Lane County Board of County Commissioners will conduct a public hearing regarding proposed code amendments that would allow accessory dwelling units (ADUs) in rural residential zones.

The public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, August 1st, at 1:30 p.m. People can attend in-person in Harris Hall at the Lane County Public Service Building (125 E 8th Ave., Eugene) or visit for more information about participating virtually.

The code amendments would authorize accessory dwelling units on properties zoned Rural Residential and at least two acres in size. The ADU must be accessory to a single-family dwelling on the property, as well as several other standards and conditions. This project also includes codifying an allowance to convert a historic single-family dwelling to an ADU when the single-family dwelling is replaced - subject to certain conditions.

The code amendments that will be discussed at the work session can be viewed online. They are also available to review in person at the Lane County Public Works Customer Service Center (3050 N. Delta Highway, Eugene).

The public hearing before the Board of County Commissioners follows a recommendation from the Lane County Planning Commission, which also provided for public involvement last year.


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